She chose to be happy

What is your success?

When I first met my wife, Ruchi, I thought she was someone I would never hang out with.

I was very clear about what I wanted to do in life.
She, instead, was going with the flow — no visible goals, no desire to control her life.
The exact opposite of me!

But as I got to know her, I realized I was wrong about one thing.
She never lost control over her life.

She started earning while in school itself, by giving tuitions.
She funded her own college education.
She worked all through college.
Did a Master’s degree.
Got a great job.
Bought her first car at 24!
Started investing at the same age.
While having fun, travelling, eating out, buying things - everything.

She worked for 8 years.
Then she quit.
Travelled for a month.
Became a mother.
Spent 3 years devoted to it.
Then decided to get back to work.
Represented creative outfits as their sales agent.
Then worked for an organic farm, helping people build a sustainable livelihood.
Earning 20,000 a month - 1/10th of what she was earning 10 years back.
But she didn't care.
She wanted to do this.

One day, I asked her if she would become my manager.
She said yes.

This is her life.
Adapting to change, on her own terms.
Not the other way around.

We have been together for 20+ years now, and the only thing she ever wanted in life was to be happy.
Whether it was growing up without money, or today, when we have it in abundance.
She chose to be happy.
Whether it was when things were tough, or when they were a joyride.
She chose to be happy.
Whether life felt hopeless, or whether everything felt full of hope.
She CHOSE to be happy.

She is the happiest person I know.
That is her goal.
That is her success!

And I wish there were a lot more people with that goal in life.

📕 28,000+ people are attending my event - are you?

My third book MAKE EPIC MONEY will be launched virtually on November 26th.

For the event, I am planning a lot of exciting things.
It will be a live event, and I will give away:

  • Courses
  • Investing guides
  • Investing starter kits
  • Excel sheet templates

ONLY to those who attend the session live with me.

You can register for the event, for free, here.

Results of last week's survey

If given a chance, would you want to move out of India (assuming you are Indian)?

  • Never
  • Yes, for a few years maybe
  • Yes, permanently or for a really long time
  • I am already out of India
  • I am not an Indian
  1. The majority want to move out for a few years. It peaks for people in their 20s, largely because of economic opportunities and standard of living.
  2. The share of people who never want to move out keeps increasing with age; not surprisingly.
  3. The share of people already out of India increases with age; also not surprisingly.
  4. A non-trivial number wants to move out permanently.

My response:
I would not want to move out of India. Well settled, this is home and we travel a fair bit to not miss anything.

Quotes to share

📸 My week, in pictures

In this section, I share my week in pictures, for those who do not like to read as much as I write :))
I do so not to show how cool a life I live, but instead to show you what are the highlights of every day. As you will see over time, my days are mostly in repeat mode - the same things, but different experiences from them.

Changed the background of my studio. LOTS of books and the names of the books I have written, with question marks for the ones coming up in 2025 and '26 :))

Ruchi and I dressed for Diwali :))

Diwali diya lighting at our place :))

I LOVE this quote. So so powerful.

This week, Ruchi and I are at a wellness retreat — which is fascinating. Experiencing wonderful food, massage therapies, meditation sessions, and sermons. Quite joyful.

Everyone is supposed to wear a white kurta-pyjama throughout their stay :)

28,000+ people have registered for the virtual launch of my next book, MAKE EPIC MONEY. Will you miss out on it? Sign up here.

That's it for the week in pictures. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead, all of you lovelies :)))

Question of the week

How many books have you read so far in 2023?

  • None as yet
  • 1 book
  • 2-4 books
  • 5-8 books
  • More than 8 books

(and see the results of others, too)

🎙️ Podcast I shared last week

🚀 Content I shared this week

📹 YouTube:

What car can you afford?

📱 Instagram:

5 questions for your best friend

🐥 X:

When I first met my wife

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(India saare match jeet kar ab naa har jaye - uss darr ki kasam)

warikoo Wanderings

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 15M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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